KnowITgetIT Advanced Courses

Ready to future-proof your career and boost your success? Let's embark on this journey together to redefine your professional path and open doors to exciting possibilities!

Building a Custom OpenAI Chatbot

Create a custom Q&A bot powered by OpenAI.

Learn how OpenAI functions and explore its powerful language processing capabilities.

Build a functional Q&A bot that provides insightful answers.

Use the workflow to generate a custom prompt that includes this context for the OpenAI text completion model.

Obtain a custom response that is better aligned with the user's need for accurate data about recent events.


In this project, you'll embark on an exciting journey to create your own custom chatbot, tailored to a scenario of your choice. Select a relevant data source, justify its suitability, and integrate it into your chatbot's code.

You'll craft questions to showcase your chatbot's impressive capabilities. Receive detailed, one-on-one feedback from expert mentors at Udacity, helping you refine your work and learn from industry leaders.

This personalized guidance will ensure you excel in applying concepts, making your project a standout success and boosting your confidence in creating advanced AI solutions. Get ready for an exciting journey!


Basic Python

Generative AI for Business Leaders

Course aimed at business leaders for implementing successful AI projects and strategies.

Provides a framework for integrating Generative AI into organizations.

Learn to structure people, processes, and platforms for AI-driven innovation.

Discover the potential of Generative AI for cost savings and business growth.


In this project, you'll develop a 100-day plan to integrate Generative AI into a company's operations, creating a detailed project roadmap to present to executive leadership.

The goal is to equip you with the skills to design and implement a successful Generative AI strategy.

You'll receive personalized feedback from expert mentors at Udacity, helping you refine your approach and deepen your understanding of AI in a business context, boosting your confidence in driving innovation and growth. Get ready for an exciting journey!


Basic descriptive statistics

Building a Reproducible Model Workflow

Empower yourself for efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity in modern ML projects through best practices in reproducible workflows.

Learn MLops fundamentals, including building an end-to-end ML pipeline with MLflow and data validation using pytest. Explore experiment tracking with GitHub and Weights & Biases, model selection for production, and model deployment using MLflow.

Additionally, delve into related technologies like Kubernetes, Kubeflow, and Great Expectations.


In your upcoming project, you'll lead the creation of an advanced machine learning pipeline for a New York property management company. Your role involves designing a reusable pipeline to predict property prices, handling weekly new data.

You'll orchestrate a comprehensive workflow, covering data fetching, validation, training, and release. The initial deployment on a sample dataset sets the stage, followed by rerunning the pipeline on fresh data for real-world simulation.

This project offers a unique opportunity to showcase your expertise and contribute to a cutting-edge machine learning application. Get ready for an exciting journey!


Jupyter notebooks • Intermediate Python

Management of Relational and Non-relational Databases

Structure data to align with relational databases, incorporating concepts and utilizing diverse data types for real-world scenarios.

Enhance database performance with indexes by employing SQL commands and evaluating the suitability of use cases for indexing.

Explore the fundamentals of non-relational databases, understanding their creation motives, tradeoffs compared to relational databases, and practical application in databases like MongoDB and Redis, including data manipulation and design patterns.


Many of today’s most popular web applications have supporting database structures that allow them to customize and aggregate information within seconds. In this project, you will build the supporting data structures for Udiddit, a social media news aggregator site.

First, you’ll investigate the provided data model for potential errors such as lack of normalization, inconsistent rules, and improper indexing. Then, you will create a new, normalized database using DDL based on the denormalized one that is provided. Lastly, you will write DMLqueries to migrate the data from the denormalized schema to their normalized schema. Once you’re done, a Udacity Industry Expert will review your work and leave personalized feedback on areas of improvement and your strengths prior to receiving your graduation certification.


Basic SQL

Convolutional Neural Networks

Fundamentals of CNN history encompassing the development of layers, introduction of transfer learning, and advancements in autoencoders.

Professional roles in CNN development involving architectural design, fine-tuning pre-trained networks, and training and evaluating models.

Main applications of CNNs include image classification, object detection, and anomaly detection using autoencoders.


During your course project, you will work on revolutionizing photo-sharing services by predicting image locations through automatic landmark detection. Navigate the dynamic machine learning design process, mastering data preprocessing, CNN training, and accuracy comparison.

Upon completion, receive a thorough review from a Udacity Industry Expert, enhancing your skills and recognizing strengths. Your impactful journey culminates in a well-deserved graduation certification. Get ready for a purposeful endeavor shaping the future of technology!


Deep learning fluency • Neural network basics • Intermediate Python

Supervised Learning

Learn regression and classification distinctions, including linear regression, logistic regression, and perceptron algorithms.

Explore advanced model training and evaluation techniques, covering support vector machines, Kernel Methods, boosting, Random Forest, and various metrics.

Gain proficiency in model selection through practices like cross-validation and grid search in Scikit-learn.


During your course project, you will contribute to CharityML, a fictitious-forward-thinking charity in Silicon Valley. Your task will be to strategically expand the donor base in California through personalized letters, and evaluate and optimize supervised learning algorithms to maximize donation yield within marketing constraints.

Following completion, you will receive a thorough review from a Udacity Industry Expert, providing personalized feedback for improvement and strength recognition. This project culminates in your graduation certification, acknowledging your impactful journey in machine learning with CharityML.


Basic descriptive statistics • Basic probability • Intermediate Python

Course Fees

The course offers up to 90% subsidy for Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents, subject to terms and conditions.

Application Procedure

Follow the below steps if you hold a Udacity Nanodegree Program certification

Download the guide to the application system here and follow the application process steps.


Click the "Apply now" button to be directed to the Udacity application system and complete your application in the portal.


After completing your application, you will be required to take a skills assessment.


An offer letter with the payment link will be sent to you if you meet the prerequisite requirements.


We’ve put together the most frequently asked questions about this programme.

What is the knowITgetIT programme?

knowITgetIT offers the most cutting edge content in technology, aimed at providing students cutting edge technology skills, starting with a focus in AI.

What does this programme entail?

The programme consists of a 1 month, self-guided learning journey with the rest of the knowITgetIT cohort. Students have the opportunity to enroll in one of the four Advanced Tech Courses: Supervised Learning Convolutional Neural Networks, Building a Reproducible Model Workflow, Management of Relational and Non-relational Databases

How can I benefit from this programme?

Students will have the opportunity to work on real-world projects designed by industry experts to build their portfolio of skills, and learn core skill sets to prepare them for a career in a job of the future.

What does the learner journey look like as part of this programme?

The knowITgetIT programme consists of a 1 month, self-guided learning journey that kicks off on October 16, 2023. Advanced short courses are self-paced, non-facilitated, fully online and do not have any weekly Connect Sessions. Students have the opportunity to enroll in one of four Advanced Tech Courses: Supervised Learning Convolutional Neural Networks, Building a Reproducible Model Workflow, Management of Relational and Non-relational Databases. Throughout your entire learning journey you will have access to an online community platform, where you will get to ask other students for support or even to network with your peers!

What are the eligibility criteria to enroll?

Applicants for the first phase must meet the following criteria:

# Singaporean permanent resident or national 18 years of age or older

# Meet the technical requirements required for the relevant Course

# Must be committed to the timeframes of the programme

Are there any fees for enrollment?

Singaporean citizens and permanent residents have the opportunity to apply for the SkillsFuture SG subsidy and receive up to 90% subsidy.

When does the programme start?

The programme has already been launchedon October 16, 2023.

Is this programme online, in-person, or a combination of both?

This is a fully online programme. Throughout the cohort, students get to learn through online videos in their classroom and interact with peers on their community platform. Students will receive detailed reviews on project submissions by tutors to support them successfully complete the project and graduate from the course.

How many hours a week should I expect to spend on my coursework in order to finish on time?

Students are recommended to allocate 10-15 hours a week learning.

What are the prerequisites for enrollment?

To be eligible for the Advanced Tech Courses, you should have successfully graduated from the prerequisite Nanodegree offered by Udacity:

  1. Supervised Learning -> Successfully graduated from AI Programming with Python offered by Udacity

  2. Convolutional Neural Networks -> Successfully graduated from Intro to Machine Learning or Machine Learning offered by Udacity

  3. Building a Reproducible Model Workflow -> Successfully graduated from Intro to Machine Learning or Machine Learning offered by Udacity.

  4. Management of Relational and Non-relational Databases -> Successfully graduated from Business Analytics offered by Udacity.

    If you have the interest and prior knowledge but have not graduated from any of the Udacity Nanodegrees, you still have the opportunity to submit your interest and we will reach out to you for further details!

How can I apply for the SkillsFuture Subsidy?

Please visit the program page for more details on applications, payment and enrollment.

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